NTO and DNAN Transformations Quantified Using Enriched Stable Isotope Tracers — Funded through DOD-SERDP The proposed work is designed to quantify the magnitude of NTO and DNAN loss, retention, and mineralization under conditions representing a wide range of surface water environments encountered in situ. It will provide kinetic parameters suitable for direct incorporation into fate and transport models for these insensitive high explosives (IHE). The objectives are organized around the following questions: 1) At what rate is the surface water IHE load attenuated during transport? 2) What fraction of the IHE loss from surface water is attributable to complete mineralization to inert inorganic constituents? 3) What fraction of the IHE loss from surface water is attributable to retention in the sediment as parent compound and/or organic derivatives? 4) How does sediment mineral type and natural organic matter content influence the fate of IHE? 5) Do the kinetics associated with these processes fundamentally change as a function of different IHE loads?